Top Reason to Choose a Bespoke Wedding Suit

The modern man is no longer content with “off the rack” suits and clothing. Today’s man wants a unique clothing experience and a bespoke suit made just for him, especially on his wedding day. Instead of renting a tuxedo or wearing your go-to boardroom suit, make a statement with a custom-tailored suit. You don’t need a reason to buy a bespoke suit, but if you did, what better reason than your wedding day? We have compiled the top reasons to choose a bespoke wedding suit, so you can look great and feel confident on your big day.
Tailor-Made Never Goes out of Style
In fashion, there are few things that are timeless, but bespoke suits are. Fashion changes every year and what was once hot is no longer. Tastes change and fashions change, but custom-tailored suits never seem to go out of style. The quality of the fabric and the craftsmanship of the garments create a perfect fit that will last a lifetime.
The Right Fit Is Motivating
Having a custom-made suit motivates the wearer to stay in shape. Spending the money for a custom-made suit makes you want to wear it. Don’t spend the money on something made specifically for you to only wear it a couple of times. A fine suit will keep you motivated to stay in shape so that you can wear it for many years.
Get More Out of Your Clothes
A tailor-made suit will last much longer than an off-the-rack suit. The fine fabrics and craftsmanship mean it will last for years without wearing or fading. The durability and fit will save you money on alterations and repairs. If you take care of the suit, it will be there for years of personal use.
Make it Your Own
Clothing made for the masses makes it difficult for you to express your personal style. A bespoke suit lets you do exactly that. You can pick out the fabric, the style, and the cut so that it tells the world about you. Go big and bold, or simple and classic—it’s all about you and the suit will tell your story through style.
Never Settle for Second Best
The mark of a gentleman is knowing what they want and getting it. Never settle for second best, especially when it comes to your wardrobe. Don’t settle for something off the rack that you don’t really like. With a tailored suit, you have complete creative control and can pick out the colors and cloth. Custom clothing is the best way to feel confident and look good.
When you are looking for quality menswear, the best bespoke tailors in New York are at Hive and Colony. We can fit you in a great looking suit. Contact us today.